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How do I purchase Ralph Lauren stock?
Ralph Lauren Corporation's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol RL. Interested investors may purchase stock through any licensed brokerage house.
When was the initial public offering of RL stock?
The Initial Public Offering of RL stock was on June 11, 1997.
Does the Company pay a dividend?
The Company issues a quarterly dividend of $0.825 per share, or $3.30 per share on an annual basis.
When is the Company's year end?
The Fiscal 2024 year-end was March 30, 2024. The Fiscal 2025 year-end is March 29, 2025.
How can I receive information on Ralph Lauren Corporation?
This web site is a useful resource for obtaining information on Ralph Lauren Corporation. You can download and print out our Company's latest Form 10-K, Proxy Statement and other SEC filings. You can also subscribe to our E-Mail Alert section of the web site for updated Company information.
How can I apply for employment at Ralph Lauren Corporation?
If you are interested in positions at Ralph Lauren Corporation, please click here.
We will contact only those persons selected for further consideration.
We will contact only those persons selected for further consideration.
Ralph Lauren Corporation is an equal opportunity employer.
When was the most recent annual shareholders' meeting held?
The Fiscal 2024 annual shareholder’s meeting was held on August 1, 2024 via “virtual” live webcast. By hosting our meeting virtually, we are able to expand participant access, improve communication with our stockholders, and reduce costs. A replay of the webcast will be available after 24 hours starting August 2,2024 at
What questions were asked at your most recent annual shareholders’ meeting?
Who is the company's transfer agent?
Computershare is Ralph Lauren Corporation's transfer agent. Correspondence should be mailed to P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233. Overnight correspondence should be sent to 462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600, Louisville, KY 40202. The telephone number for investor services is (877) 205-0962.
How can I obtain a certificate for my RL shares?
You can obtain a stock certificate by calling the broker who is currently holding your shares and ask to have the physical certificate issued in your name.
What is Ralph Lauren Corporation’s policy regarding political spending?
The Company does not make political contributions, does not have a political action committee and will not reimburse individuals for any personal contributions they make.